Sat 21st Sept. 8 am until 12.30 at the HERITAGE CENTRE followed by Presentation at 1 pm by Pauleen Cass
Marrying family and local history
By marrying family and local history we can gain a much better understanding of the community in which our family lived, and their interactions within it. Learning about neighbours and friends (FANs) can be enlightening and add value to both types of history.
Open to all, gold coin donation appreciated
Pauleen Cass has been researching her family history since 1986 and remains obsessed with the joys of discovering new family information and sharing it with family. In 2003 she published her Kunkel family history, Grassroots Queenslanders: the Kunkel family which was the winner of the 2004 Alexander Henderson Award (AIGS) and joint winner of the 2004 QFHS Queensland Family History Book Award. In 2006 she gained an Advanced Diploma in Local Studies by online study through Oxford University. She took the leap into the blogging world in 2009 and writes about family history as well as her interests in East Clare and Dorfprozelten emigrants to Australia.